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  Bible Questions and Answers
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In what sense was man created in the likeness of God?

Man's likeness to God, referenced in Gen. 1:26 and Gen. 5:1, is the great fact that distinguishes him from the rest of creation. Man is a "person" with power to think, feel and will, and with the capacity for moral life and growth. Furthermore, at the beginning, man not only had the capacity for moral life, but this moral disposition was such that he loved God, loved the right, and hated the wrong. The great tragedy of mankind's fall reversed this. Man is still a person and still has the capacity for righteousness, but his spirit was so changed that he feared and distrusted God. Now, to a greater or less extent, he loved the evil and disliked the good. Jesus came to undo this calamity and to restore us to a moral likeness to God.

What is sin?

The following summary of "sin" was taken from the notes of the New Scofield Reference Edition of the Bible, (KJV).
"Sin, Summary: The literal meanings of the Hebrew and Greek words variously rendered "sin", "sinner", etc. disclose the true nature of sin in its manifold manifestations. Sin is (1) transgression, an overstepping of the law, the divine boundary between good and evila; (2) iniquity, an act inherently wrong, whether expressly forbidden or notb; (3) error, a departure from rightc; (4) missing the mark, a failure to meet the divine standardd; (5) trespass, the intrusion of self-will into the sphere of divine authoritye; (6) lawlessness, or spiritual anarchyf; and (7) unbelief, or an insult to the divine veracityg.
Sin (1) originated with Satanh; (2) entered the world through Adami; (3) was, and is, universal, Christ alone exceptedj; (4) incurs the penalties of spiritual and physical deathk; and (5) has no remedy but in the sacrificial death of Christl availed of by faithm. Sin may be summarized as threefold: (1) an act, the violation of, or want of obedience to, the revealed will of God; (2) a state, absence of righteousness; and (3) a nature, enmity toward God."
References: (aPs. 51:1, Rom.2:23); (bRom. 1:21-23); (c Rom. 1:18, 1 Jn. 3:4); (d Rom. 3:23); (eEph. 2:1); (f 1 Tim. 1:9); (g Jn. 16:9); (h Isa. 14:12-14); (iRom. 5:12); (j Rom. 3:23, 1 Pet. 2:22); (k Gen, 2:17, 3:19, Ezek. 18:4,20, Rom. 6:23); (l Acts 4:12, Heb. 9:26); (m Acts 13:38-39)

How did Noah fit all those animals into the ark?

First we need to consider the remarkable size of the ark. Genesis 6:15-16 tells us that the ark was 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide, with three separate stories or decks. If we take a cubit as 18", the ark would be 450 ft. long X 75 ft. wide. With the three tiers, this would provide approx. 101,250 sq. ft. of floor space. This is equivalent to about 2.1 football fields or about 522 standard railroad stock cars, more than twice as large as necessary to accommodate two of every species of known land animal that ever lived. Second, we need to consider the size of the animals.
Most land animals are small and even the larger animals were probably young and small. Authorities estimate that less than 36,000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians have ever lived in the world. Allowing then for two of each species and an additional five extra in each "clean" species there may have been as many as 75,000 animals in the ark, but most experts estimate far less. Third, we need to consider that God did not require two of every type or variety within a species. There are over 190 different breeds of dogs for instance, but God only required one male and one female dog. All of the different varieties of dogs, cats, horses and cows, etc. originated from a single pair of their kind. Taking these facts into account, it is obvious that no more than 60% of the ark's capacity would have been used for animals. There was plenty of room for Noah to fit them all in!

Was Jesus really born on December 25th?

Never in the history of the human race has so much been written about the birth of any human being as about Jesus. However, what is reported in magazines and newspapers is usually far different than what the Holy Bible says - the fables are better known than the facts. Let me prove my point as I write on. Was Jesus born on December 25th? The fable says, Yes, but, surprisingly, God is silent on the date. In fact, it wasn't in December at all, but rather in the spring, for at the time of Jesus birth "there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" (Luke 2:8). Shepherds never were out in the fields in December! The greatest celebration of the sun-god was on December 24-25 in connection with the winter solstice. In 350 A.D. Rome sought to turn away their people from this festival by declaring December 25 the official date of Jesus' birth, celebrating with festivities and a mass -- thus Christ's Mass, or Christmas!

Study to show thyself approved of God...

                                  2 Timothy 2:15